Hester Peirce and Lori Schock: The SEC’s Quest to Boost Investor Literacy 

Investor literacy is more important today than ever, given the sea change in how consumers use the stock market, says Lori Schock, director of the Office of Investor Education and Advocacy at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).  Investing used to be largely the domain of the wealthy at a time when people would …

Evan Leaphart: Teaching Kids Why Credit Matters

Serial entrepreneur Evan Leaphart didn’t realize the importance of a solid credit score until he started seeking financing for his various ventures. Today, he is the founder and CEO of Kiddie Kredit, a family-oriented digital platform that aims to demystify credit and shine a light on how your credit score affects your financial future. “I …

Akeiva M. Ellis: Developing Partnerships to Improve Diversity

Before she began a career in financial advice, Akeiva M. Ellis had ambitions to be a teacher. “It’s funny how I ended up doing that anyway,” she said of her current work as a financial education specialist with Ballentine Partners and as co-founder of The Bemused, a personal finance website. YouTube videos, Instagram posts and …

5 Questions You Must Answer to Build Your Personal Brand

Your personal brand follows you everywhere you go. If you want to grow your business faster with clients you enjoy spending time with, then you must intentionally build your personal brand. If you’re reading this, you likely already believe your personal brand is important. So instead of trying to convince you that you need to …

Denise Appleby: Answering the Tough Questions on Retirement Plans

Growing up in Jamaica, retirement planning was simple for the friends and family of Denise Appleby, owner of Appleby Retirement Consulting Inc. “People would just get old and live off the land,” she says. “My aunt raised chickens and had a garden. Her husband would go to the beach and come back with fish.” After …

Jeffrey Levine: A Future-Focused Approach to Tax Planning

Effective tax planning requires a big-picture approach to reduce a client’s tax bill over their whole life. That’s the view of Jeffrey Levine, Chief Planning Officer at Buckingham Wealth Partners, who brings a holistic view to his work as a financial advisor. “Most CPAs are historians – they’re looking back and recording what happened, but …

Ed Slott: How Taxes Can Kill Retirement Dreams

Taxes are the biggest challenge for investors approaching retirement, says Ed Slott, Founder and President of Ed Slott and Company, Professor at The American College of Financial Services and nationally recognized IRA distribution expert. In today’s episode of Carson Group and PIMCO’s Retirement Income Series, Ed shares insights and strategies to minimize taxes in retirement. …

Marguerita Cheng: Retirement Planning is Personal

The retirement planning work of Marguerita (Rita) Cheng, CFP®, CEO at Blue Ocean Global Wealth, is inspired by lessons from her parents. With a large age gap between them, Rita’s mother was only 46 when her father retired at age 60, and her sister was still in high school. That presented a different set of …

Dr. Roger Ibbotson: Ensuring You Don’t Outlive Your Money

With life expectancies on the rise, retirement can now span decades. How can you make sure your money lasts? In today’s episode of Carson Group and PIMCO’s Retirement Income Series, Dr. Roger Ibbotson, Professor in the Practice Emeritus of Finance at Yale School of Management and Chairman of Zebra Capital Management, an equity investment and …

Mary Beth Franklin: Making Social Security Work for Clients

What role does Social Security play in a retirement income plan? In today’s episode of Carson Group and PIMCO’s Retirement Income Series, business journalist, CFP and Social Security expert Mary Beth Franklin provides a history lesson on the pivotal Social Security policy that saved the program in 1983. She talks about where we are today …

Robert Powell: Helping Advisors Reimagine Retirement Planning

Retirement income planning is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Yet many advisors fail to use all of the tools available to them as they plan the best version of their clients’ retirement years, says Robert (Bob) Powell, an award-winning financial journalist who is widely known as “Mr. Retirement.” In today’s episode of Carson Group and PIMCO’s …

100 Tasks Every Advisor Should Delegate

100 Tasks Every Advisor Should Delegate

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