How Will Your Firm Survive Without You?

Successions are complex undertakings. They can be exceedingly uncomfortable. But the cold, hard facts are that NONE of us will be running our businesses forever, and we need to plan for that inevitability. Download

SEC Succession Plan Rule: Not Just a ‘Nice to Have’ Anymore

If a continuity and succession plan seems like just a “nice to have” for your financial planning or wealth advisory business, think again. A new rule proposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) would require advisors to have continuity and succession plans in place.

Navigating the Challenges of a Business Transition

A key factor that is often overlooked when considering a move to a new firm is the process of transitioning your business. You know it will take some work and has to be done, so you think of it as a necessary evil. In reality, without the proper team, process and support, you could end …

Staying’s Worse Than Leaving: Successfully Transitioning Your Business

When the pain of staying with your current broker-dealer far exceeds the pain of leaving, you know making a change is essential. However, how prepared you are for this life-changing event is instrumental to its success. It’s true transitions are hard work, but if you keep the end goal in mind and consider best practices, …

How Do I Get Started with Succession Planning?

If you are like many of the wealth advisors we talk to, you’ve spent most, if not all, of your career developing a successful practice. Day in and day out, you’ve focused on planning for the retirement of others. But what happens when the planner needs to plan for himself or herself? Unfortunately, as too …

The Essentials of Succession Planning for Financial Advisors

The Essentials of Succession Planning for Financial Advisors

Learn how to choose a successor and find the true value of your firm. Download Now

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