Nandita Das: Unlocking the Future, Student Success and Financial Planning

Passionate and determined, Nandita Das, a professor at an HBCU, fights to make financial planning more accessible for diverse communities. “Once you show your passion, and again, you might have some struggles from your own colleagues, but the administration will see through it. And that’s why I kind of smile – because if you are …

For Women in Wealth Management, Practice Makes Perfect for Prospecting

This post is part of a series discussing the findings of the 2022 State of Women in Wealth Management Report by Mary Kate Gulick and Julie Ragatz, Ph.D. The 2022 study is based on survey data and interview input from a wide selection of cross-channel financial advisors. Within the industry, there’s a pervasive belief that …

Emma Cramm: Challenging Your Thinking on Estate Planning and Beyond

Emma Cramm is a passionate financial planner and member of the FPA NextGen Leadership Team. She is currently studying for her CFA and specializes in estate planning, helping clients build their legacy and honor the wishes of their loved ones. “Getting to walk alongside clients and their families when they’ve lost someone and saying, ‘Hey, …

Robert Van Beek: An International Bestseller’s Story

When Robert Van Beek was denied a career in law enforcement, his mother steered him toward a financial career. Decades later, Robert is a passionate, international best-selling author and board member, determined to bridge the gap between financial planning and investment advising for the benefit of clients around the world. Robert, originally from Belgium, has …

How to Find an Advisor Back Office Solution that Works for Your Firm

As an advisor, your time is best spent on activities that grow your practice and use your core skills, like networking, meeting with clients and handling their financial planning. However, running a practice also involves considerable back-office, non-client-facing work such as the onboarding of new accounts, tracking and handling compliance requirements, and managing scheduling and …

James Lee: From Paper Route to FPA President

James Lee is the incoming FPA president and a financial planner with a background in investment research. He has a passion for helping people make good money decisions and has been a member of the Financial Planning Association since 2000. “Financial planning services are wanted and needed, and I feel that my service to FPA …

Chris Woods: From Financial Struggles to Financial Advising

Chris Woods was a pizza-loving kid from St. Louis who was fascinated with the stock market from a young age. His dad taught him about the stock market and opened a bank account for him when he was only 5 years old. “The fact that he got me started opening a bank account that early, …

How Women Advance (and Don’t) in Wealth Management

This post is part of a series discussing the findings of the 2022 State of Women in Wealth Management Report by Mary Kate Gulick and Julie Ragatz, Ph.D. The 2022 study is based on survey data and interview input from a wide selection of cross-channel financial advisors. While getting women into financial advice roles is …

Bob Burg: Impact of Mindset on Success

The State of Women in Wealth Management Report: Key Findings

This post is part of a series discussing the findings of the 2022 State of Women in Wealth Management Report. In early 2022, my colleague Julie Ragatz, Ph.D., and I embarked on a research journey together. Our goal? Dive into the experience of women working in wealth management to uncover the barriers to entering and …

Gratitude and Guilt: When Our DNA Wrestles with Our Life

While this job has been fascinating and interesting for all 16 years I’ve done it, the past 12 to 18 months have probably been some of the most interesting in my career. Here’s why: I’ve gotten to know successful advisors even better than I already knew them. I already knew that part of their success …

100 Tasks Every Advisor Should Delegate

100 Tasks Every Advisor Should Delegate

Find out what tasks you can hand off to free up your time and empower your team. Download Now

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