Here Comes the Carson Investment Research Midyear Outlook

What a first half it has been, with stocks having one of their best starts to a year ever and the economy defying many by avoiding the most broadcast recession of all-time. We came into this year saying good things could happen and it wasn’t very well received, as nearly everyone on tv was talking …

Why July Brings the Bulls

“I am an optimist because I don’t see the point in being anything else.” -Abraham Lincoln And with that, the first half of the year is a wrap. What can we say other than all those calls for a recession and new bear market lows sure didn’t play out. We were one of the only …

Things I’ve Learned Working with Advisors

Next month will mark my one-year anniversary with Carson Group! I’ve had a blast this past year and I can honestly say it has been the most fun I’ve ever had. It has now been more than seven years that I’ve worked with Advisors and had you told me 10 years ago I’d do this …

Why a Sunny Second Half of 2023 is Likely

Hello from cold and rainy Myrtle Beach! We are doing a family vacation in the second part of this week to North Myrtle Beach and we are stuck inside due to a ton of rain today. The next few days should be better, but I had some free time, so I decided to do a …

Why Stocks Could Make a New High in 2023

“So you’re telling me there’s a chance.” -Lloyd Christmas in Dumb and Dumber What a run it has been, with the S&P 500 up about 15 percent for the year as of Father’s Day. We came into this year expecting stocks to gain a total return of between 12-15%, which at the time was far …

Four Things the Bulls Need to Know

“The stock market is the only place where things go on sale, yet everyone runs out of the store screaming.” -Old stock market axiom Here are four things that have caught my attention over the past week. First up, you might have heard by now, but the S&P 500 moved into a new bull market, …

Now They Turn Bullish?

“If everyone is thinking alike, somebody isn’t thinking.” -General Patton Well, isn’t that interesting? After more than a 20% rally from the lows in stocks last October, we are finally seeing some bullishness out there. We didn’t notice this back in mid-December when many things lined up for a substantial rally and we moved to …

Why Strong Stock Returns on Friday is Bullish

One of the most hated and despised rallies continued last week, with the S&P now up nearly 12% on the year and officially up more than 20% from the October lows. If you’ve been reading or listening to what the Carson Investment Research team has been saying, then you know we’ve been in the camp …

Why Low Volatility Isn’t Bearish

“There is no such thing as average when it comes to the stock market or investing.” -Ryan Detrick You might have heard by now, but the CBOE Volatility Index (better known as the VIX) made a new 52-week low earlier this week and closed beneath 14 for the first time in more than three years. …

Welcome to the New Bull Market

“If you torture numbers enough, they will tell you anything.”   -Yogi Berra, Yankee great and Hall of Fame catcher Don’t shoot the messenger, but historically,  it is widely considered a new bull market once stocks are more than 20% off their bear market lows. This is similar to when stocks are down 20% they are …

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