7 Questions About Regional Banks

There are so many questions that we get from our advisors and clients about the regional banking crisis, in addition to the debt ceiling (which Ryan covered in another blog). Here’re some answers to some of the common questions. What is happening with regional banks? The crisis erupted with Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) in early …

Data Suggests the Economy Is Doing Just Fine

If you were worried about a sudden stop for the economy on the back of a banking crisis, you may want to know that the April employment data suggests that the economy is doing just fine, perhaps more than fine. Of course, this is not to say that the banking crisis is not a problem. …

May the Fed be With You

Happy Star Wars Day, or if you’re fan like I am (or have a birthday today like I do), May the 4th be with you! Of course, the title is a play on all this, but I find it apt since the Federal Reserve (Fed) looms so large as far as investors are concerned. The …

Don’t Be Fooled by the Headline GDP Number

The Bureau of Economic Analysis just reported that the U.S. economy expanded by only 1.1% in the first quarter. By the way, that’s an annualized rate – the actual quarter-over-quarter increase is just under 0.3%. This was well below expectations for 1.9% growth. More fodder for recession calls? Short answer, no. GDP can basically be …

Consumers Are Doing OK, but Don’t Feel Good About the Future

The Conference Board just released its consumer confidence index for April, and the data wasn’t great. The index fell from 104 to 101.3, and it is well off last December’s 109 level. Not to mention the fact that it’s more than 30 percentage points below where the index was in February 2020 (just before the …

Is the Housing Market About to Give the Economy a Boost?

Housing was the biggest drag on economic growth last year. The economy grew by 2.1% in 2022, but that overcame a 0.93%-point drag from residential investment, i.e. housing. In fact, it’s been a drag on GDP growth for 7 straight quarters now (through the end of 2022). It got worse over the last 3 quarters …

Should We Worry That Bankruptcies Are Rising?

Corporate bankruptcies are rising in 2023, based on S&P data. The first 3 months saw 183 bankruptcy petitions, which was the highest for a first quarter since 2010. March alone saw 71 corporate bankruptcy petitions, the fourth straight month of increase and the highest monthly total since July 2020. Obviously, the most noteworthy bankruptcy filing …

Stocks 👏 are 👏 real 👏 assets

Inflation is on everyone’s mind these days, but as we wrote last week, the good news is that inflation is on a relatively strong downtrend. As of March, CPI was up 5% over the past year, but well below the peak of 9.1% we saw last June. However, even 5% inflation is really elevated. No …

The Good, The Bad, The Inflation

The March inflation report showed that CPI inflation rose only 0.1%, slightly below expectations. Over the past year, inflation is now up 5%, well off the peak 9% from June 2022. As you can see below, the big driver of lower inflation has been energy and food. Energy makes up about 7% of the “inflation …

The Labor Market Refuses to Buckle and Shows Underlying Strength

Another month, another strong payroll report. The economy created 236,000 jobs in March, topping expectations for a 12th straight month. A record streak that is more than double the previous longest streak (before the current expansion). That in and of itself tells you how strong and underestimated this labor market is. Prior to the report’s …

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